According to Yongsan Lawyers’ application for a provisional disposition prohibiting the transfer of real estate

According to Yongsan Lawyers’ application for a provisional disposition prohibiting the transfer of real estate

He said things that he couldn’t predict often happen while spending a given time. Every moment, I wish things would go the way I wanted them to, but I couldn’t do it all the time and sometimes I was confused. He said that even if an unexpected problem occurs, it would be great if it could be dealt with by itself, but otherwise it would be a big difficulty in finding clues about where and how to solve it.He said that it is more difficult to solve problems in a relationship in the desired direction. So everyone tries to avoid this happening, but unlike such a wish, they face it frequently.Usually, I said that I hope the solution doesn’t cause any damage to me. If you really want to do so, it is desirable to take appropriate measures in consideration of the economic aspects.

Cases where the lessee refuses to deliver the subject matter

When a transaction is made between the lessor and the lessee and the contract period ends, the lessor said it would be released by returning the deposit to the lessee and returning the object to the lessor. In addition, if the tenant is found to have committed an act that constitutes a violation of his/her obligation, he/she can legitimately demand the termination even if the contract period remains.However, it was said that the number of cases of damage to landlords is increasing as tenants do not properly deliver the target. At this time, it was said that measures such as entering the space occupied by the tenant without permission or changing the password of the entrance cannot be taken. Because this is also illegal. Lawyer Yongsan said it is necessary to file a Myeongdo lawsuit to recover the ownership without any legal problems.

in order to prevent the transfer of ownership

If the tenant does not respond despite the landlord’s legitimate exercise of his rights, he said he should file a lawsuit based on data that objectively proves that the lease was terminated for justifiable reasons. If the plaintiff wins, he will be given the right to carry out compulsory execution. Accordingly, it will be possible to collect possession rights forcibly.In the meantime, he said that sometimes the defendant hands over his possession to another third party during the trial. If the ownership is transferred to another person, even if he wins the ongoing Myeongdo lawsuit, the effect will not be recognized. It was said that there could be a scandal that requires another lawsuit against the newly changed possessor. In order to prevent this problem from occurring, it is said that the application for provisional disposition prohibiting the transfer of real estate ownership should be made in advance.This is a measure to preserve the right to claim delivery or surrender of real estate, and it is said that the human and physical phenomena of the object will be maintained until the main execution.Application Procedures for Prohibiting Provisional Disposition of Transfer of PossessionHe said he could proceed by filling out the application form and submitting it. The court said that if you fill out the purpose and reason of the application and pay the cost, you will be given a case number. After that, he visited the court and said he could receive an order to provide collateral or receive it by mail.At this time, it was important to explain clearly the need for rights protection.The appointment of a Yongsan lawyerHe said that if you want to solve the problem through the process of applying for a ban on real estate ownership and the proper progress of the Myeongdo lawsuit, it is more likely to get an advantageous result to actively seek help from Yongsan lawyers than to deal with it alone.It was said that appropriate countermeasures and directions may change depending on the specific content or characteristics of the issue. He said he could expect a smooth finish if he sought the help of an agent with a large number of legal knowledge and success stories.He said that if you want to solve the problem through the process of applying for a ban on real estate ownership and the proper progress of the Myeongdo lawsuit, it is more likely to get an advantageous result to actively seek help from Yongsan lawyers than to deal with it alone.It was said that appropriate countermeasures and directions may change depending on the specific content or characteristics of the issue. He said he could expect a smooth finish if he sought the help of an agent with a large number of legal knowledge and success stories.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image